Saturday, July 9, 2016

Munch On This: Food For Thought

Once the body realizes that we're not in competition with OTHER CHURCHES, but with THE WORLD then we just might start reaching the lost and broken.

Jesus took men that fished for FISH  and turned them into men that fished for MEN (SOULS).

What if we as believers stopped fishing for other believers, and started fishing for the lost and broken? Where do you think we could take the world? The church? THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST!!?

I challenge EVERY believer to reach out to at least one NON believer and bring them to church with you (no matter what church you attend) every month for a year!

Can you take a second to think of that impact in just a year's time? Let's take 1 SMALL and 1 LARGE  church for a visual. If a small church had, say 100 members, and each member brought one non believer a month in a year that SMALL church will have reached, 1,200 souls! Now add our LARGE church, say 1,000 members, after a year, they will have reached 12,000 souls!! That's 13,200 per year from just 2 churches!

That's only with the MINIMUM effort of EACH believer doing what Christ CALLED US ALL to be doing in the first place!

Can you just imagine what the country would be like if EVERY believer reached just one lost soul and month? Not every church, not every small group, not every family, but EVERY BELIEVER!

I just feel that if we as believers, stopped focusing on the political, racial, terroristic things of this world, and started to seek 1st the Kingdom of God, as His Word says, by obeying Him and following Christ, leading others who are where we once were to where we are now, His PROMISES that the rest of that junk we're so worried about now will handle itself!

And remember... be fruitful and multiply does not only pertain to the reproduction of man but the reproduction of the body of believers we know as the church!

Just something to think blessed church!

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