Monday, October 10, 2016

Feeling Real

[Charity] beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. - 1 Cor 13:7
      Love covers a multitude of sins.  There is nothing; no shame, no guilt, no history, no secret, nothing; that is not covered with the application of the Love given us in the Blood.

It is in this application that God grants us Salvation.  This gift, the initial official christening of our walk of faith, that must be zealously shared.  We are called to love one another in the body of Christ.  We are NOT called to watch someone who has fallen long enough to make sure we can kick them in the ribs without getting hit back!  We are an army as the body, a single entity that is to love one another literally to death that brings LIFE. 
     How can we focus on this love more?  How can I, right now, take a step in that direction?  Is there someone I can call and ask them to forgive me for not loving them like my Jesus loves me?  Is there a rift in the body that I've seen and haven't addressed because I don't have the boldness to stand up for the Word of God and it's application?  Is there someone who has been exiled that I can reach?  
What would you say to me today, Lord?

Are these questions something you're interested in?  It is well past time for unity in love, if we're not working for it we've fallen behind.  It is too late in the game to sit and watch.  Time to activate what God has given you in the MIGHTY name of Jesus.

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