Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Ministry Update - June 2017

     We Praise God for you! This past 2 weeks has been crazy with little office time to sit and write.  It is VERY encouraging to us to see fruit of God produced in others and to be a catalyst for that is humbling.  I guess we never really know which moments in our lives count for someone else in an eternal way.

     Ministry is a calling for sure: you have to know that you know or else you’ll let the vision slip from you.  I believe that we received the vision in 2011 for this ministry.  Even the name Christ Carries Me was given then.  It’s easy to see that God is with us because of the connections He’s made in relation to the vision.

     For instance: Hellen and Robert Howell and Anne and Al Sherril, two couples, both were
volunteers at Coffield for over 20 years.  They faithfully, week by week, went to the Coffield Boot Camp.  Even on Christmas day, there they were, it was a Saturday, second nature, no questions!

This has impacted us greatly to see people with hearts of gold that go.  Now we see Bro Robert and Sis Hellen pretty much once a month minimum and we are involved in street ministry together as a band (Vessels of Clay) among other things.  Family ties are made in the Blood of Jesus!
The street ministry is called Jesus Burger.   Yeah,  Jesus Burger!  It’s really simple.  The place it’s held is spotted, prayed and fasted over, cross-walked (with giant crosses these guys go door to door and knock on ‘em to love people), finalized and then the events start in that place and continue month to month.  They are usually held in the neighborhoods where the need is and the ministry is “free clothes, live music, free meal.”   Ministers like us are EVERYWHERE and you have a place wherever you go no matter where you are if you're in the Call.  We go and are present and accounted for.  When the meal is served we eat and fellowship with the people.  In the pictures you see, we’d be overdressed for a Jesus Burger… It's not about show, it's about relationship. Check out that LOGO!
 We’re blessed to be a part of that Ministry – On Mission Ministries out of Treasure Church, Longview Texas.  They multiply them in cities all over this area every weekend… Amazing people.

We went to the Boyd Unit a couple weekends ago too.  We RV’d like a pro!  Anne and Al and Hellen and Robert and I all stayed overnight because the service time is 7 am.  Robert, Hellen and I went to Tenn Colony directly after that, met up with David and went in to the TC @ Coffield for services.

God is good and faithful to supply open doors to us as we go along.  It’s really something to go and testify or to give a word to someone the Lord shows you.  God is SO good.

    Most recently we've connected with Mike Barber Ministries and Bill Glass Behind the Walls.

      We send our love to Mike Barber Ministries. We LOVE Sean and the team over there… Their hearts are for God and His in the jails… it’s a big deal, really.  We've entered in with them twice and look forward to working with them MUCH more in the near future.

     Mickey Webb wrote to us and suggested we touch base with Volunteer James Guerra.  Well we reached out to him through Mercy Heart where he was at last we knew and he called us back.  He’s now the area director for Bill Glass Ministries and he just so happens to have an event in our area coming up and needed help laying the foundations.  It is SO awesome the way God works.  They’re coming to the Henderson area and need over 200 volunteers to come along.  Here’s James and I at our meeting last week.  We’re excited to be a small part of what God is doing state-wide.  Fear not!

     We've been in talks with Kevin Brown.  He and his wife, Debra, are precious to us.  Also Sister Gardner, who is a mighty woman of God and since her husband Anthony passed away, she’s stood strong! She misses him greatly.  The way I figure, he’s missed by many.  Pastor Gardner, was a man you knew to approach well as the Spirit of the Lord was with him.  So, Kevin and I talk regularly.  He gave me a life verse one day in the beginnings of the Ministry vision and didn’t realize it at the time (Genesis 28:15).  That verse stuck with me HARD.  He is doing well and is working to get in to the prisons and volunteer also.  He’s as stout in the Lord as always and he still has a big head! (physically LARGE) 😊

        Leaving the old life behind is evidence of a true move of God.  It didn’t happen for me until then and I tried to do it on my own.  We were working in the ministry, laying hands on the sick, casting out devils, all that but so did the people in the book of Matthew BEFORE the Holy Ghost and the Salvation of Man!!!  I read once the verse “...but Lord, didn’t we cast out….  Yes, but depart from Me for I never knew you.”  WOAH! That frightened me to no end when I saw that!!  That was the beginning of what I call my “conversion”.  It was the truest point of my life in that I was able to see God as Holy and me as NOT AT ALL WORTHY.   But praise GOD for His Grace (Luke 11:5-13)!  After that experience, the Word came alive, my prayer life began to matter and the prayers I asked I could see being answered, God got involved…  I told God in that deepest pit, “Father, this is what I can do with my life.  I can’t.  You have to!”  and that, my friend, was it.  But HE had to bring me there, you know?  The thing is, now that I know church is full of messy people (As I was one and still am) I can go without being mad at the “hypocrites”.  Where else you want ‘em to be?  HOLY GHOST SETUP! YEAH!

 Dearest Reader: That's our update.  Know that we’re praying for you.  We Love you.  Peace!


Rev JD Pierce
Executive Director
Christ Carries Me Ministries
p: +1 903.265.4424  f: +1 903.900.4981
a: Post Office Box 354, Carthage, Texas 75633-0354
w: ChristCarriesMe.org   e: JD@ChristCarriesMe.org

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