Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Will your harvest come from non-believer kindness?

     I believe that we'd all like to believe in humanity as a people but then it smacks me in the face that left to ourselves we'd revert to bludgeoning one another in the head with clubs.  The Word of God tells us that we are to love one another and that instruction is purposeful.  There is no instruction that I've found for us to love ourselves... obviously, we have that one covered.  Cynicism aside, we all struggle to bring the flesh into subjection to the Spirit if the Lord Jesus is our Lord and Savior.  It is something that we all aspire to, this "being Christ-like" and it is a wonderful thing to see others grow into His likeness.  It is also VERY encouraging to hear that you've grown from someones perspective.  But, what about non-believers?  Can they be kind and love others?  Can they be "Christ-like" without Christ? 
     After reading a blog post today I sat in my office and cried a little:  Someone has taken the time to put together content in a blog that shows acts of love, one for another, in this world in a way that just makes sense, naturally.  It's not performed, it's not staged, it's not "hold on, do that again for the camera!" stuff, but moments.  These moments are people being good people for no real measurable gain.  I don't know that these men, women, and children were all non-believers but I do know that some of them were.  How does this kindness speak?  What does it say?   There's no mention of Jesus, no religious form to it, just an act of kindness or a gift from the heart given.
     What are we doing as believers to act like this?  How is Christ's image being portrayed in your life today?  If we are, and WE ARE, in His image and don't do what He did then we're showing others that Jesus isn't Who He is but something else entirely.  We must become the examples of kindness and love.  We have to become the catalyst for change if a lasting change is to be made.
     Today, stop someone with a grimace and ask if you can pray for them. 
Officer joins prayer unexpectedly...
Tell them that you love Jesus and that Jesus has provided relief and peace for them and ask them if they need or want some of that.  We yelled across a parking lot just the other day to a young man sitting on the curb, "Hey bro! We got coffee, cookies, and some Jesus in here if you want some!" and he laughed and came for the coffee, left with Jesus!  Amazing opportunities await you today.  Relationships that last a lifetime are connected in these moments.  We call you today to service.  We love you

Comments? Questions? Let's talk. We want to hear testimony of your application!

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