Typically, I do not take it upon myself to comment on things that are happening in the world around us. Instead, I will aknowledge these things and point people to Christ, but in the wake of the massacre which took place in Orlando and in light of what so-called ministers of the gospel have said about it, I feel I must address, not what happened in particular, but what what these men who claim to represent Christ have to say about it.
This morning I read an article about a sermon that a preacher of a Baptist church preached that went viral (as far as I can tell, this man and this church have no actual ties to any organized baptist fellowship, and I - in no way - desire to cast salt on any baptist fellowship or their denomination as a whole). In his sermon, the man commented on what happened in Orlando with some strange and twisted words he deemed to be biblical. In the remainder of this post, I will systematically refute his claims, and hopefully shed some light where darkness clearly reigns.
Allow me to point out that I hold strongly to the doctrines of biblical inerrancy, infallibility, inspiration, and sufficiency. Homosexuality is expressly forbidden according to the Word. It is described as abomination, and we are warned that any living such a lifestyle will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Homosexuality, however, is not the sin of all sins, and it - by no means - is more powerful than the blood of Christ.
This preacher claimed that followers of Christ “shouldn’t be mourning the death of 50 sodomites.” To this I reply, "blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be comforted." As believers we ought to mourn over the fact 50 souls who were living in unrepentant sin stepped out into eternity to face the judge of all the earth, and who now reside everlasting to everlasting in separation from God under his fierce and just wrath. We ought to mourn that so many are held captive by the power of sin - blinded and ignorant of the redemption that is in Christ Jesus - and we ought to labor to make the gospel of peace known to ALL men.
"People say, like: ‘Well, aren’t you sad that 50 sodomites died?' Here’s the problem with that. It’s like the equivalent of asking me — what if you asked me: ’Hey, are you sad that 50 pedophiles were killed today?’ Um, no, I think that’s great. I think that helps society. You know, I think Orlando, Fla., is a little safer tonight.”
This statement is clearly contrary to how the Word instructs believers to carry themselves. This statement is grevious to my soul, and I can assure you, the Spirit of God is grieved by such hatred and ignorance. The major thing this man shows himself to be ignorant of is this: if it were not for the common grace of God restraining his evil, he would make the most vile, murderous, homosexual, pedophile in the world look like a choir boy. What he fails to realize is every man, woman, and child posses the potential to be what he is railing against, and it is only the grace of God restraining his evil heart that keeps him from becoming just that. The same is true for all of us. So, sir, what do you have that you did not receive from God? And if you received it, then why do you boast?
In his fellowship's confessions of faith page it states the church believes “sodomy” — referring to homosexuality — is “a sin and an abomination before God which God punishes with the death penalty.” This statement is true. Under the Law, the punishment for sodomy is death. You know what else is a capital crime under the Law of God? Any form of idolatry. Falsely proclaiming the word of God. Sorcery/witchcraft (including drug use, horoscopes, psychics, etc...). Blasphemy (or taking the Lord's name in vain). Violating the sabbath. All forms of immorality (including homosexuality, fornication, adultery, incest, etc...). Striking, cursing, or persistent disobedience to your parents. And presenting false witness to a capital crime - among other offences. Any person who, even at one time in their life, is guilty of any of these things is subject to a divine curse and the righteous judgment of God is that that person be cut off from the land of the living. You see, yes homosexuality is a sin punishable by death, but so is every time you've said "jesus" in an unworthy manner, or every time you say "oh my God". Yes the law demands that homosexuals be killed, but it also demands anyone who works or goes fishing with their friends on a Saturday be killed.
The very reason that Christ took on Calvary was to remove this curse of death from his people. That's why we read in colossians that Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, becoming a curse for us, as it is written, Cursed is anyone who hangs on a tree. The perfect Christ - God in flesh - lived the life we could never live, died in our place under his own fierce wrath and judgment, and, more than that, rose again after the third day. It is through this mighty work that our sin is atoned for, that the righteousness of Christ may be imputed to us, that the curse of the law is removed from us, that we can become free from the tyranny of sin and the flesh. All men stand condemned by the law, not only homosexuals. All men require the blood of Christ to attain forgiveness and newness of life.
This preacher, and any who share his ideas, are in gross error. Do not grab ahold of a couple verses and hot topic in culture and proclaim, "thus saith the Lord." It's the love of God that constrains us, and as a minister of the gospel, it is the fear of God that ought restrain us. Grab a hold of Christ and the glorious work he has accomplished for his people. Pray for the awakening of those who are afar off. Preach the Gospel. Tell men of who God is. Tell men how they are to be saved.
The time is come, the kingdom of God is at hand, now repent and believe the Gospel.
Repent, be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. The promise is for you, and your children, and for all who afar off.
Be blessed.
Brother Shane